A New Partner in Crime : Nikon D750

Recently i’ve been thinking about upgrading my current gear into a technically better one.  Moving to an FX (Full-Frame sized sensor) camera body is one of my consideration. I’ve been a DX user for years, and while it’s already good enough for most of my photography,  I think it’s about time to level up 😛

For months i’ve been undecided, mainly because what was available on the market didn’t really interest me. I’m basically a Nikon shooter, so other brands had been ruled out since the beginning.  The available bodies was D610 (a decent but somewhat flawed camera IMO), D810 (expensive, too many megapixels, rather “bulky” camera in any sense), D4/4s (waaaay to expensive!!), and Df (nice retro design, amazing IQ, yet questionable usability).  None of these clicks with me, until Nikon made the announcement of their newest FX body a couple months ago.

It’s called the Nikon D750. Tech-spec wise, this camera looks promising.  Great ergonomics, tons of usability features, amazing performance and priced just about right.  I’m already tempted, yet decided to wait for real world user reviews for it’s actual performance in the field.  As time goes by, there were so many positive feedbacks from users around the world. Some technical reviewers also highly recommend this camera for its performance & well-balanced nature.  I was impressed enough, finally took the plunge and ordered one for myself 😀

Now, the camera is already at hand.  Initial personal test shows that the D750 is the real deal! I’m especially impressed with virtually noise-free image at high ISO (6400 is very clean, something my beloved D300 unable to achieve), and the AF performance is amazing (especially the new group AF + 3D tracking).  The tiltable LCD is a nice bonus, the costumizable buttons are blessed, and the dual memory card slot will surely be useful in many situations.

In short, I’m very satisfied with this camera!!! It’s a significant enough upgrade that I decide to sell my old trusty D300 to relieve some of the financial burden for acquiring D750, hehehe 😛

Now, I can only pray and do my best with this new partner in crime of mine 😀

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