Phew, it’s been a while! The last blog was from January 2017 (OMG, it’s been three years!). This website had been plaqued with so many issues since mid-2017, and due to circumstances we had struggled to maintain it…until now! Welcome 2020, when COVID19 pandemic steals the spotlight anywhere around the …

Keputih Bamboo Forest & Harmony Garden – The City’s Hidden Gem

I’ve heard about this place quite some time ago, but it’s only recently i actually had the chance to come in person and even did some photo session there, with awesome results :D  ‘Hutan Bambu Keputih’ & ‘Taman Harmoni Keputih’ (Keputih Bamboo Forest & Harmony Garden), is somewhat hidden gem to the city. …

The Nikkor AF-S 85mm f/1.8G – I’m Impressed!

It’s been a while since my last post…well, let’s catch up! :D  A couple months ago, i was thinking about getting a telephoto lens for portraiture use, and was torn between a 70/80-200 zoom and 85mm prime lens. Since my budget was rather limited, for now only one can be prioritised. After a ‘long and …

The PC-Nikkor 28mm f/3.5 – An Old New Favourite

I’ve been looking for this lens for quite some time, but got the chance to own one only recently. As you might know, my educational background was architecture. Naturally, architectural photography is one of my favourite genre.  Involving larger-than-human scale subjects, it requires a wide or ultrawide angle lenses.  I already have the ultrawide, …

A New Partner in Crime : Nikon D750

Recently i’ve been thinking about upgrading my current gear into a technically better one.  Moving to an FX (Full-Frame sized sensor) camera body is one of my consideration. I’ve been a DX user for years, and while it’s already good enough for most of my photography,  I think it’s about …