“Lensa Arsitektur” – All About Architectural Photography

Got a call from an architect/photographer buddy the other day. He asked me whether I could be a professional speaker for a photography workshop at his almamater. Naturally it’s going to be about architectural photography, so after some discussions with him and the event’s committee, I agreed to their request.

‘Lensa Arsitektur’ was the name of the event.  This workshop was one among several activities at an event called ‘Tiga Hari Arsitektur’, commenced by Architectural Department of ITN Malang to celebrate its Anniversary. I was given a task to share my knowledge and experience while doing my job as a professional photographer, specifically on assignments that involve architecture.

I was an architect before, and a photographer currently. Having actual comprehension in these two fields helps tremendously when I created my presentation. I tried to arrange everything as simple and as visually interesting as possible, while keeping them relevant to the main subject. Not an easy task, especially due to my tight schedule these days. Nevertheless, it’s fun!

At D-day, everything went as planned. I was standing in front of approximately 150 architecture students, talking about what makes architectural photography so special. The approach, the preparation, things to consider, how to commence the photoshoot, and how to deal with issues on set. I’m glad that the students eagerly follow along, despite heavy rain and thunderstorm outside the building while I was doing my presentation. It’s a pity that we had to cancel the outdoor photo hunting due to unexpected weather, but the lively and fun Q&A session makes up for it.

It was a great experience for all of us. To me, for being able to share everything I know about architectural photography to a younger generation. And for the students, I hope they could gain something positive from my story.  I also glad when the committee told me after the event that the presentation was satisfactory for them. It’s another task well done!

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