Finally, 2020 is over. The year with beautiful numbers, yet become one of the darkest year in the history of humanity. The Pandemi has disrupted everything and shake the world in a way that was unimaginable even a year ago. In the past 9 months, we’ve lost and suffered so …


Pardon the title, but if you’re a fan of Korean drama, you will understand what I mean 😂 Got a message from one of my old buddy, telling me that he would get engaged soon and looking for a photographer to cover the ceremony (surprise surprise!).  He also told me …


Hi guys! How are you? Hope you’re doing fine and in a good shape. Due to the pandemic, things have been pretty awkward lately. It’s also been quite some time since my last blog post, so let’s continue with recent updates. A while ago, one of my ex-student from Ciputra …


Phew, it’s been a while! The last blog was from January 2017 (OMG, it’s been three years!). This website had been plaqued with so many issues since mid-2017, and due to circumstances we had struggled to maintain it…until now! Welcome 2020, when COVID19 pandemic steals the spotlight anywhere around the …

‘Krakatau Reunion – Chapter One’ Surabaya Concert

Any indonesian music lover (especially from my generation) should be familiar with the name of this particular band. ‘Krakatau’, a prominent Indonesian group with their unique and dynamic musical style, that in a way represents an era in the history of Indonesian music. When performed at Surabaya Jazz Traffic Festival …

Photographer’s Competence Certification Program by APFI

About a year ago, a friend of mine contacted me and asked whether I’m interested in a certification program for Indonesian professional photographers by APFI (Asosiasi Profesi Fotografi Indonesia). To be honest, I’m a bit skeptical at first, but after thinking that I might need this kind of formal acknowledgment …

Photography Workshop at PT ECCO Indonesia

Got a phonecall while I was teaching that morning. Turned out it was a colleague who worked at PT ECCO Indonesia, a company that produce shoes and leather products based in Sidoarjo. He asked me whether I’m available to give a one day photography workshop for the company’s internal photography …

Wisma Jerman Surabaya Photoshoot

A few years ago, I got acquainted with the Director of Wisma Jerman Surabaya, Mrs. Birgitt Stefan, at a jazz concert in Surabaya. It turns out that Mrs. Birgitt loves photography, so it was pretty easy to connect and get along with her personally and professionaly. Last year, she apparently …

Arva School of Fashion / Creativo School Photoshoot

At the final days of 2015, one of my cosplayer buddies contacted me. He currently works for Arva School of Fashion / Creativo School, a fashion and graphics design education institution in Surabaya. He said that Arva and Creativo need some new promotional images for 2016 and asked my availability …

“Lensa Arsitektur” – All About Architectural Photography

Got a call from an architect/photographer buddy the other day. He asked me whether I could be a professional speaker for a photography workshop at his almamater. Naturally it’s going to be about architectural photography, so after some discussions with him and the event’s committee, I agreed to their request. …